Rubbermaid U.S.A.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products je americkým výrobcem inovativních řešení založených na produktech pro komerční a institucionální trhy po celém světě. Od roku 1968, RCP je průkopníkem technologie a systémová řešení v kategoriích potravin, služeb, sanitární údržbu, nakládání s odpady, dopravu materiálu, daleko-od-domu umývárny a bezpečnostních produktů. RCP, výrobce ISO 9001:2000, je součástí globálního portfolia Newell Rubbermaid ze značek a pokračuje ve vývoji inovativních produktů.
V roce 2007, Rubbermaid Commercial Products získala majetek Spojených Metal Receptacle Corporation , vedoucí značkou v dekorativních nakládání s odpady, a kuřáckých produktů pro správu a příslušenství pro komerční zařízení .
V roce 2008, Newell Rubbermaid získal technické koncepce Holdings, LLC (" Technické pojmy" ),přední světový poskytovatel inovativních toalet. hygienických systémů pro několik vysoce růstových segmentů daleko - od -home ( " AFH " ), toalety kategorii . Produkty Technical Concept™ včetně bezdotykových a automatizovaných dávkovačů, wellness a řešení kontroly zápachu, stejně jako proprietární náplně .
Dnes, Rubbermaid Commercial Products pokračuje v expanzi do produktových kategorií , kde záleží na značce a zákazníci kladou důraz na inovaci a nabízí trhu výraznější nabídku produktů a best- of -breed obchodní praktiky jako silného , úspěšného partnera .
Rubbermaid Commercial Products má svou globální centrálu ve Winchesteru , Virginia ( USA ) a jeho EMEA sídlem je Ženeva , Švýcarsko.
About Rubbermaid Commercial Products, LLC
Rubbermaid Commercial Products is a manufacturer of innovative, solution-based products for commercial and institutional markets worldwide. Since 1968, RCP has pioneered technologies and system solutions in the categories of food services, sanitary maintenance, waste handling, material transport, away-from-home washroom, and safety products. RCP, an ISO 9001:2000 manufacturer, is part of Newell Rubbermaid's global portfolio of brands and continues to develop innovative products.

In 2007, Rubbermaid Commercial Products acquired the assets of United Metal Receptacle Corporation, a leading brand in decorative waste management and smoking management products and accessories for commercial facilities.
In 2008, Newell Rubbermaid acquired Technical Concepts Holdings, LLC, ("Technical Concepts") a leading global provider of innovative restroom hygiene systems for several high-growth segments of the away-from-home ("AFH") washroom category. Technical Concepts’ products included touch-free and automated health, wellness and odor control solutions, as well as proprietary refills.
Today, Rubbermaid Commercial Products continues to expand into product categories where brands matter and customers place a premium on innovation and offers the market a more substantial product offering, and best-of-breed business practices as a strong, successful partner.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products has its global headquarter in Winchester, Va. (USA) and its EMEA headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products is a manufacturer of innovative, solution-based products for commercial and institutional markets worldwide. Since 1968, RCP has pioneered technologies and system solutions in the categories of food services, sanitary maintenance, waste handling, material transport, away-from-home washroom, and safety products. RCP, an ISO 9001:2000 manufacturer, is part of Newell Rubbermaid's global portfolio of brands and continues to develop innovative products.

In 2007, Rubbermaid Commercial Products acquired the assets of United Metal Receptacle Corporation, a leading brand in decorative waste management and smoking management products and accessories for commercial facilities.
In 2008, Newell Rubbermaid acquired Technical Concepts Holdings, LLC, ("Technical Concepts") a leading global provider of innovative restroom hygiene systems for several high-growth segments of the away-from-home ("AFH") washroom category. Technical Concepts’ products included touch-free and automated health, wellness and odor control solutions, as well as proprietary refills.
Today, Rubbermaid Commercial Products continues to expand into product categories where brands matter and customers place a premium on innovation and offers the market a more substantial product offering, and best-of-breed business practices as a strong, successful partner.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products has its global headquarter in Winchester, Va. (USA) and its EMEA headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland.